I have been wanting to take more photos of Folta jeans. Luckily, I am recently in possession of three pairs of their jeans, Folta 029-US, Folta 029-HW, and Folta 028-5th Anniversary. I am myself have been wearing the old Folta 025-Black. I decided to go to the Jordan district in Amsterdam Canal Ring in the last sunny Sunday. Moreover, I add little bit of Dutch touch by using Vanmoof bike.


Folta meet VanMoof

I was wearing the Folta 028-5th Anniversary, Zara’s Green polo shirt, Zara’s black jacket, and Manfield’s leather boots. My jeans was washed one time and was made from 15 oz White Streaky Cone Mills fabric with Red line selvedge. My brother Giras helped me by wearing the Folta 029-US, Zara’s blue polo shirt, and Air Jordan 5 Oreo. His jeans are made from 14 oz White Oak Cone Mills fabric with Red line selvedge. The bike is Vanmoof single speed F series. Here are some of the pictures:

damar-folta-vanmoof-4 damar-folta-vanmoof-3 damar-folta-vanmoof-2 damar-folta-vanmoof-1 giras-folta-vanmoof-1 damar-giras-folta-vanmoof-2 damar-giras-folta-vanmoof-1

I used my Canon 500D and Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM. I used ISO 200 and a very short shutter speed 1/2000 s since the day was quite bright. Then I post-processed the picture in Adobe Lightroom with preset from Kodak Gold 100 Warm. They used one of the picture in their Instagram and banner in their website. Enjoy!


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About the Author

Damar Anggoro

Voyager lv. 0

Born and raised in Indonesia. I have spent 10 years in Europe and wandered around. Currently living and exploring Bali but have to spend 1 month per year in Europe. Father of one amazing baby girl.

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