Hi guys, this post will be about my experience in home studio kit product photoshoot. Like any other matters, I came across this from an already ongoing brand. “Folta.co” is the name of the brand, which my brother is involved. I was helping my brother to fix the website and one of the main issue to fix is their product’s photography. In case you didn’t know, their products are clothing (jeans and shirt). There are two ways to show the products, either with ghost mannequin or with a model. We then decided the easiest way is to have the ghost mannequin. Mainly because we didn’t have a proper models that fit with the products that we currently have.

After watching a lot of tutorials I figured I need good lighting and a background. For this, I ordered a home studio kit that cost €209,-.It has 3 soft-box lights and a set for a background layer (sheet and pole). Here is the picture of the set up (we purchased the white background):


We had the third soft-box that we can use to lit from the above but we didn’t use it. We felt that the light from 2 soft-boxes were sufficient. It good to use a person to wear the product but the results were a bit inconsistent, a similar size and style t-shirt (different color) could have different shape and feel. At the same time, the department store “V&D” was in bankruptcy, so they were selling their products very cheap. We came across a mannequin and made a bargain for €35,- for both the torso and the leg. Here is the picture:


The next step is to edit it in photoshop. There are many tutorials on the internet. But I follow the tutorial from Sean Tucker. He has 3 videos for that tutorial series. It is a very good tutorial especially around photoshop. For instance, how to use the pen tool. I did for all the Folta products that I can get my hands on.


This is the results before and after the photo-shot. You can see how much really it affects the display of the website. It gives the brand more credibility from the customer. For me personally I can now do product photography if in the future I would like to sell my own products. See you guys in my next post!


About the Author

Damar Anggoro

Voyager lv. 0

Born and raised in Indonesia. I have spent 10 years in Europe and wandered around. Currently living and exploring Bali but have to spend 1 month per year in Europe. Father of one amazing baby girl.

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