Hi all, this the continuation of the first part of this trip.

Day 5 Jokulsarlon and travel back to Reyjavik

We leave in the morning from Hofn towards Jokulsarlon, this place is very touristic and there are many daily package departing from Reykjavik. Jokulsarlon glacier is where one of the mouth of the mountain meets the sea. This can be seen in the photo above, the glacier slowly apart and form chunks of ice into smaller ones. Here too we saw seals swimming (photo bottom right). We spend 1 hour here to take photos and drinking coffee. After that we are driving back to Reykjavik, (4-5 hours) but contrary of last night, the weather is nice and it feels so fast.

Day 5 Aurora and Rest

This evening we stayed in Þjóðvegur, north of Reykjavik and we stayed in the cabin house on the seafront. Incidentally, aurora had a good predictions tonight, so I stayed out of the cabin and the aurora was there. As seen in the photographs, this aurora was the most powerful and clear during this trip. The Aurora this time not only can be seen in the horizon but also reached the top of our head. At the time, I am really grateful, I sat next to my time-lapse gear camera with a blanket sitting on the grass, eating warm noodle, drinking coffee and enjoying the aurora dancing in the sky. Please see my tips on how to see the aurora.

The camera I used was a Canon DSLR 500D, the setting of f / 5.0, ISO1600, exposure 25s. One thing I regret was that I do not have a wide-angle lens, so the camera could not capture the  true beauty of the aurora, but maybe next time.


Day 6

We were planning to go to Reykjavik but we are on a lazy mode, so we rest in the cabin with the nice hot-tub.

Day 7 Blue Lagoon Fly back

We decided to departed early from our AirBnD to the blue lagoon. It is advisable to book tickets in advance for avoid the queue and sometimes they can be sold out. We booked the ticket booking on the website, and we are in very quickly which otherwise require hours of queuing. We selected the hours of 09: 00-10: 00. And I think this a good idea because the blue lagoon was still empty. Towards noon the queue was getting longer. Therefore in lagoon it was also getting increasingly crowded during lunch hour.

In the blue lagoon the temperatures was around 37-39C, which is quite comfortable to relax on our last day in Iceland. Inside it, we also can get some free silica mud algae mask to make your face glowing. Tips if you want to take photos; I myself brought an action camera, but I can see many people who carry their iPhone in water-proof plastic case or sometimes just in a plain bag.
We are in the blue lagoon about 4 hours and then we drove to Kevlavik. Rest at the hotel for our flight at 5 am the next day.

It was a really nice experience, I am sure my blog did very little justice to Iceland. Highly recommend this destination to everyone! To remember this trip we also made a video, enjoy!


Please see my post for tips and trick to see the elusive Aurora!

About the Author

Damar Anggoro

Voyager lv. 0

Born and raised in Indonesia. I have spent 10 years in Europe and wandered around. Currently living and exploring Bali but have to spend 1 month per year in Europe. Father of one amazing baby girl.

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